The problem of XANES spectrum interpretation measured by TEY technique at different photon glancing anglesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 16 апреля 2014 г.
Аннотация:The strange shape of experimental TEY XANES spectra from GaxIn1−xP measured at the phosphorus L2,3edges as a function of photon glancing angle of incidence is explained by taking into account, for the firsttime, the energy dependence of the non-resonant photoelectron background arising from modulation ofthe X-ray radiation field by mirror reflection from the sample surface. The adjustment of the relative con-tribution of the resonant and nonresonant absorption to the TEY signal as well as the optical parametersof the sample allows us to fit the experimental data reasonably well. We perform the detailed analysis ofthe resonant white line shape in TEY XANES spectrum at different photon glancing angles depending onthe optical parameters of the sample and the relative amount of the nonresonant contribution.