1-Phenylethynylpyrene (PEPy) as a novel blue-emitting dye for qPCR assayстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 марта 2016 г.
Аннотация:An alkyl azide derivative of 1-phenylethynylpyrene (PEPy) dye was prepared and used in functionalization of oligonucleotides via click chemistry. Spectral and photophysical properties of PEPy-modified oligonucleotides as a single strand and in perfect or mismatched duplexes have been studied. A series of PEPy–Dabcyl fluorogenic TaqMan probes were synthesized and tested in qPCR. PEPy proved to be a superior substitute for AMCA as a short wavelength fluorescent dye for qPCR probes. PEPy probes were shown to reduce Cq (a fractional PCR cycle used for quantification) vs AMCA labeled probes thus improving the reliability of the detection. Moreover, a larger increase of fluorescence during amplification was observed in case of PEPy probes that makes this dye well suitable for end-point PCR technique. The study broadens the panel of fluorescent dyes suitable for the use in quantitative real-time PCR probes.