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Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных |
Anastasis. Research in Medieval Culture and Art is an open access journal. We publish original articles in the areas of medieval art and medieval culture, the aim being that of stirring people’s interest for scientific research regarding the Middle Ages, thus trying to bring to light the appreciation of medieval art from a nowadays perspective, underlining the necessity of knowing the past and exploring it in order to preserve historical values, in order to better understand the present moment and to have a correct position regarding what is contemporary. In order to offer a more complex image and to accurately capture the approached phenomenon, the journal has an interdisciplinary character, we publish research from different fields connected to medieval times (visual arts, restauration, architecture, music, theatre, theology, philosophy, literature, sciences and others), and also studies based on comparison and interdisciplinary articles that refer to reinterpretations, influences, comparisons or interpretations of some motifs or capitalized medieval motifs, which were changed and which received a new meaning in modern or contemporary culture.