Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost, 18-21 June 2014 - Évora, Portugalсборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
Accelerated coastal thermo-erosion activity in the Laptev Sea and its spatiotemporal differentiation
Günther F.,
Overduin P.,
Grigoriev M.N.,
Grosse G.,
Baranskaya A.,
Opel T.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost, 18-21 June 2014 - Évora, Portugal, место издания Evora, Portugal, тезисы
Application of seismic methods to studying permafrost conditions in the Russian Arctic
Садуртдинов М.,
Царёв А.,
Скворцов А.,
Малкова Г.,
Дубровин В.,
Судакова М.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost, 18-21 June 2014 - Évora, Portugal, место издания Evora, Portugal, тезисы, с. 331-331
Chara permafrost monitoring results: local variability and regional trends. Book of
Sergeev D.,
Perlshtein G.,
Stanilovskaya Ju,
Aleksyutina D.,
Kapralova A.Bezdelova V
в сборнике Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost, 18-21 June 2014 - Évora, Portugal, место издания Evora, Portugal, тезисы, с. 503-503
Comprehensive study of permafrost conditions, coastal dynamics and seabed morphology for Yamal Peninsula, Kara Sea coast using satellite imagery and GIS technologies
Kuznetsov D.,
Baranskaya A.,
Ogorodov S.,
Belova N.,
Vergun A.,
Shabanova N.,
Kokin O.,
Maslakov A.,
Audibert-Hayet A.,
Cauquil E.,
Marquet S.,
Esperbe A.,
Geldof G.B.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost, 18-21 June 2014 - Évora, Portugal, место издания Evora, Portugal, тезисы, с. 357-358
Human impact on coastal and subsea permafrost dynamics at oil and gas development key sites in Pechora and Kara Seas
Kuznetsov D.,
Ogorodov S.,
Baranskaya A.,
Belova N.,
Kopa-Ovdienko N.,
Kokin O.,
Shabanova N.,
Vergun A.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts of EUCOP4 – 4th European Conference on Permafrost, 18-21 June 2014 - Évora, Portugal, место издания Evora, Portugal, тезисы, с. 262-262