Book of Abstracts 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elementsсборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
New orthorhombic modification of equiatomic CePdAl
Gribanov A.,
Tursina A.,
Murashova E.,
Seropegin Y.,
Rogl P.,
Kaldarar H.,
Lackner R.,
Bauer E.,
Hilscher G.,
Michor H.,
Lipatov A.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, место издания Krakow, Poland, тезисы, с. 25.- 25.
RePt3Si compounds: a playground of challenging physical properties
Bauer E.,
Hilscher G.,
Kaldarar H.,
Michor H.,
Rogl P.,
Gribanov A.,
Seropegin Yu,
Kitaoka Y.,
Yogi M.,
Scheidt E.W.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, место издания Krakow, Poland, тезисы, с. 129. -129.
Ternary intermetallic compound Ce16Ru8In37: synthesis and crystal structure
Murashova E.,
Kurenbaeva J.,
Tursina A.,
Noel H.,
Gribanov A.,
Rogl P.,
Seropegin Yu
в сборнике Book of Abstracts 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, место издания Krakow, Poland, тезисы, с. 21-21
Ternary intermetallics in the system Ce-Ru-In: New crystal structure types with anomalously short Ce-Ru distances
Gribanov A.,
Tursina A.,
Kurenbaeva Zh,
Noel H.,
Murashova E.,
Seropegin Y.,
Rogl P.,
Grytsiv A.
в сборнике Book of Abstracts 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, место издания Krakow, Poland, тезисы, с. 15