Аннотация:It is generally accepted that in the twenty-fi rst century biology will
occupy one of the leading places in science. Biology will make an
important contribution not only to our fundamental knowledge but
also to the development of medicine, ecology, generation of new living
species. Many problems in biology which are of interdisciplinary complex
character lie at the boundaries between diff erent sciences. To solve
such problems it is necessary to apply ideas and methods of other exact
sciences and fi rst of all physics, mathematics, chemistry, and physical
chemistry. It is by close cooperation between biology and other exact
sciences that the development of biophysics as an independent boundary
science has become possible.
In this book the main ideas of modern biophysics are presented in the
form accessible to wide circles of readers. Biophysics (biological physics)
is a science about physical and physico-chemical mechanisms of interactions
which lie in the basis of biological processes.