Аннотация:The Academy of Sciences in Russia (RAS) was established in 1724 at the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment. At that time, the National Academy dei Lincei (1603), the German Academy of Naturalists «Leopoldina» (1652), and the French Academy of Sciences (1666), were already established, while the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (1739), the Royal Swedish Academy of Literature, History and Antiquities 1753), the Turin Academy of Sciences (1757), the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (1759), the Swedish Academy (1786) and others were yet to be established. For the 300 years of the history of the RAS, more than 7000 citizens of Russia and other countries have become its members, and currently it’s members count about 2,500 scientists. The number of members of the RAS exceeds the number of the German Academy of Naturalists «Leopoldina». More than 3000 members of the RAS are scientists from countries other than Russia or work closely with scientific institutions of other countries. A signifi cant number of Nobel Prize laureates became members of the RAS. Representatives of the foreign scientists within the Russian Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Sciences
and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences hold leading positions in the history of European science.
The Biographical encyclopedia «Academy of Sciences. Biographies» features articles about all the valid members of the RAS for the last 300 years, correspondent members, honorary members and foreign members as well.
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