Аннотация:The culture of ornamental coral reef fish species conserves natural reef resources by offering alternatives to wild capture and develops a new source of organisms for the aquarium trade. Hormonal stimulation of maturation of sex cells facilitates obtaining large numbers of eggs and larvae available for subsequent rearing and allows researchers to collect valuable knowledge about life histories of the species to improve the management of natural stocks. In the monograph, detailed information on hormonal stimulation of oocyte maturation and ovulation, morphological changes of oocytes during maturation, ultrastructure of gametes, assessment of egg and sperm quality, embryonic and larval development, and transition of the larvae to exogenous feeding is presented for three model species from the families Acanthuridae (scopas tang Zebrasoma scopas) and Pomacentridae (threespot damselfish Dascyllus trimaculatus and scissortail sergeant Abudefduf sexfasciatus), which are used in aquaria trade. In addition, a brief description of the experiments on hormonal stimulation of oocyte maturation and ovulation is given for 16 other ornamental coral reef fish species. The results are discussed based on recent achievements in developmental biology and marine aquaculture. The book is designated for ichthyologists, zoologists, marine aquaculturists, and students of the universities or colleges.