Spatial variability of quasidiffusion coefficients for 137Cs in grey forest soils in the distant zone of contamination from the Chernobyl NPPстатьяПеревод
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 февраля 2016 г.
Аннотация:The calculated values of quasidiffusion coefficients for 137Cs for the 15-year period after the Chernobyl fallout in the top mineral thickness of grey forest soils of the Tula region vary within 0.18-0.35 cm2/year, accruing among biogeocenoses: pine forest < oak forest < birch forest < pasture. Correlations are revealed and the equations of linear regression for quasidiffusion coefficients for 137Cs depending on soil properties are constructed. Estimates of the periods of effective residence half-time of 137Cs in grey forest soils are made: for a layer of 0-5 cm - 11-14 years 0-15 cm - 22-25 years, 0-30 cm - 27-28 years. The periods necessary for the decrease in the contents of 137Cs in a 0-5 cm layer of soils to the level of 37 kBq/m2 are considered, taking into account a spatial variation of fallout and heterogeneity of quasidiffusion. Forecasts of the vertical migration of 137Cs on the basis of the diffusive model with spatially distributed soil parameters are submitted.