Photochemistry of the H2O/CO System Revisited: The HXeOH···CO Complex in a Xenon Matrixстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 19 февраля 2018 г.
Аннотация:We report on the complex of a noble-gas hydride HXeOH with carbon monoxide. This species is prepared via the annealing-induced H + Xe + OH···CO reaction in a xenon matrix, the OH···CO complexes being produced by VUV photolysis of the H2O···CO complexes. The H–Xe stretching mode of the HXeOH···CO complex absorbs at 1590.3 cm–1 and it is blue-shifted by 12.7 cm–1 from the H–Xe stretching band of HXeOH monomer. The observed blue shift indicates the stabilization of the H–Xe bond upon complexation, which is characteristic of complexes of noble-gas hydrides. The HXeOH···CO species is the first complex of a noble-gas hydride with carbon monoxide and the second observed complex of HXeOH. On the basis of the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ-PP calculations, the experimental complex is assigned to the structure, where the carbon atom of CO interacts with the oxygen atom of HXeOH.