Аннотация:Gamma-ray data from nuclear reactions are important for a large range of applications, as
well as for basic sciences. In particular, photonuclear cross sections and gamma-ray data to
extract Photon Strength Functions (PSF) are necessary for energy, safety and medical
applications as well as for nuclear physics and astrophysics.
A wealth of gamma-ray data related to photonuclear reactions and PSFs accumulated in
recent years need to be made available to researchers worldwide. These data are important
sources of information for experimental data files such as EXFOR and evaluated data files
such as RIPL, ENDF, EGAF, ENSDF etc supported by the International Atomic Energy
Agency. They are also intricately related to the development and improvement of theoretical
models describing the electromagnetic response of the nucleus.
The current situation with regards to photonuclear and reaction gamma-ray data was
reviewed at a Consultant’s Meeting organized by the Nuclear Data Section IAEA in
November 2013 [1]. The meeting concluded that there was an urgent need for the
compilation and evaluation of all relevant data in a dedicated database.
Furthermore, it recommended that the IAEA initiate a coordinated research project, with the
primary task of compiling the relevant data, defining the database structure and formats,
outlining the evaluation methodology, as sessing experimental methods and understanding
the source of discrepancies.
In this paper we report on the main issues that were addressed at the meeting and the latest
developments regarding the coordinated effort to create a reference database for reaction
gamma-ray data.