Features of temporal behavior of fluorescence recovery in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 20 сентября 2015 г.
Аннотация:Under high photon flux density of solar radiation, the photosynthetic apparatus can be damaged. To prevent this photodestruction, cyanobacteria developed special mechanisms of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of excitation energy in phycobilisomes. In Synechocystis, NPQ is triggered by the orange carotenoid protein (OCP), which is sensitive to blue-green illumination allowing it to bind to the phycobilisome reducing the flow of energy to the photosystems. Consequent decoupling of OCP and recovery of phycobilisome fluorescence in vivo is controlled by the so called fluorescence recovery protein (FRP). In this work, the role of the phycobilisome core components, apcD and apcF, in non-photochemical quenching and subsequent fluorescence recovery in the phycobilisomes of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 has been investigated. Using a single photon counting technique, we have registered fluorescence decay spectra with picosecond time resolution during fluorescence recovery. In order to estimate the activation energy for the photocycle, spectroscopic studies in dependency on the temperature from 5 to 45 °C have been performed. It was found that fluorescence quenching and recovery were strongly temperature dependent for all strains exhibiting characteristic non-linear time courses. The rise of the fluorescence intensity during fluorescence recovery after NPQ can be completely described by the increase of the phycobilisome core fluorescence lifetime. It was shown that fluorescence recovery of apcD- and apcF-deficient mutants is characterized by a significantly lower activation energy barrier compared to wild type. This phenomenon indicates that apcD and apcF gene products may be required for proper interaction of FRP and OCP coupled to the phycobilisome core. In addition, we found that the rate of fluorescence recovery decreases with an increase of the non-photochemical quenching amplitude, probably due to depletion of substrate for the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by FRP.