Место издания:University of Pardubice Pardubice, Czech Republic
Первая страница:681
Последняя страница:684
Аннотация:It has been shown in previous investigations that all aluminium powder turned into aluminium oxide at
explosion at impact of mixtures of it (10%) with typical energetic material such as HMX. On the contrary
aluminium oxide was not found at all after explosion of mixture of benzoyl peroxide with aluminium or
with aluminium hydride in these conditions. This fact gave an opportunity to conclude that temperature
of BP/Al explosion was not more that which has been measured at burning (833 K), i.e. it did not
culminate to thermodynamic value. In next work the quantity of explosives – aluminium mixtures under
investigation were extended. Peroxides: TATP and HMTD and nitrocompounds of various classes: cnitrocompounds
(TNT, picric acid), nitroethters (PETN, nitrocellulose (NC) with content of nitrogen
CN=11.6%), compound that was at the same time c-nitrocompound and N-nitrocompound (Tetryl) were
used as explosive base of mixtures. It was found practically all aluminum or aluminum hydride in
mixture of it with explosive (Picric acid, HMTD, NC, Tetryl, PETN, HMX) transforms into aluminum
oxide if calculated temperature of explosion of a mixture Tpş2200 – 2300 K. In this work the data of
analysis of condensed products of explosion and calculated temperature of explosion of mixtures high
explosives with alloy of Mg and Al were carried out and compared with previous results. The main
condensed product (98%) at explosion at impact in this case was spinel Mg(AlO2)2.