Аннотация:In Russia the first globe of Mars was issued in Sternberg Astronomical Institute in 1989. There were various Martian relief features (planitiae, dorsa, chasma, craters, fossae etc.) on this globe. During the last 25 years both a lot of new precise data and processing techniques were obtained. The main goal of this work is compiling of a new version of Martian globe with the use of unique hand-made hillshade segments of the globe (1989) and contemporary information about surface of the planet, landing sites etc.
The DTM from Mars Global Surveyor with the resolution of 16 pix/deg (3,705 km/pixel) was used for mapping. To make hypsometric tints smoother heights of the DTM were averaged by ArcGIS Focal Statistics tool with rectangle of 100 cellsize.
Each of the 12 hand-made hillshade segments having used for the globe of 1989 compiling were converted to digital raster format, colorized and referenced to GCS_Mars_2000 in Polyconic projection. Polar segments were references in equidistant azimuthal projection with the standard parallel 90 deg.
The marks of height are joined with the unique hand-made hillshade segments. The Mars globe (1989) is reissuing in digital format. The hypsometric tints, feature names, landing sites and marks of height are joined with the unique hand-made hillshade segments.