Аннотация:The transition of the ion channel between the open and closed states is traditionally considered random. Current experimental data indicated the presence of oscillatory modes of regulation of open/closed states, and possible connections between these modes. The canonical methods Fourier or wavelet transforms, fractal analysis and mathematical modelling can evaluate open/closed states oscillatory modes, but cannot describe their relationship to each other. We first applied the method of bispectral analysis to solve this problem. The well-described potassium channels potential-dependent Kv, calcium-dependent KCa and the modelled potassium channel KcsA were studied. The relationship between fluctuations open/closed lifetimes at frequencies ~0.1, ~1 and ~10 Hz was shown. These frequencies correspond to rhythmic processes in cardiovascular and nervous systems functioning, including those regulated by potassium channels. The normalised integrated bispectrum index was chosen to quantitatively evaluate the interrelation of ion channel opening/closing states. The normalised bispectrum index notable increased upon alteration of the membrane potential from 0 to 20 mV. The obtained data expand our understanding of ion channel functioning principles and can be used in the search for new approaches to the pathological states (channelopathies) therapy.