Aerosol Pollution of the Moscow Megacity by Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons: Seasonal Variability and Toxicological Risksстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 апреля 2024 г.
Аннотация:Research on air pollution in large cities by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is one of the pri-ority tasks for assessing air quality and environmental risks to public health. The chemical composition of aero-sols sampled in spring (2018), fall (2019), and winter (2019–2020) at the Aerosol Complex of Moscow StateUniversity, located on the urban background territory of the Moscow Megacity, is analyzed. Sixteen priorityPAH compounds were identified using gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and high-performance liquidchromatography. The median value of the total concentration of the 16 PAHs (Σ16PAH) increases from thespring season (1.43 ng/m3) to the fall season (1.68 ng/m3) and then to the winter season (2.47 ng/m3). Based onthe diagnostic relationships of PAHs, the dominant contribution of transport, industrial enterprises, and theheating system to the total emissions was determined. Pollution roses indicate the location of sources of maxi-mum concentrations of low-, medium-, and high-molecular PAHs. Pollution episodes are distinguished: in thespring of 2018 under the influence of the transport of smoke plumes of agricultural fires and in the fall of 2019as a result of petrogenic emissions and an increase in biomass burning in the residential sector around Moscow.In the winter and fall seasons, the highest values of carcinogenic (0.45 and 0.42) and mutagenic (0.58 and 0.55)equivalents for benzo(a)pyrene were recorded in comparison with the spring season (0.26 and 0.38). The life-time risk of developing lung cancer, calculated from the data for three seasons, is 0.5 cases per one million people