Plasma Membrane Blebbing Is Controlled by Subcellular Distribution of Vimentin Intermediate Filamentsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 20 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:The formation of specific cellular protrusions, plasma membrane blebs, underlies the amoeboid mode of cell motility, which is characteristic for free-living amoebae and leukocytes, and can also be adopted by stem and tumor cells to bypass unfavorable migration conditions and thus facilitate their long-distance migration. Not all cells are equally prone to bleb formation. We have previously shown that membrane blebbing can be experimentally induced in a subset of HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells, whereas other cells in the same culture under the same conditions retain nonblebbing mesenchymal morphology. Here we show that this heterogeneity is associated with thedistribution of vimentin intermediate filaments (VIFs). Using different approaches to alter theVIF organization, we show that blebbing activity is biased toward cell edges lacking abundant VIFs, whereas the VIF-rich regions of the cell periphery exhibit low blebbing activity. This pattern is observed both in interphase fibroblasts, with and without experimentally induced blebbing, and during mitosis-associated blebbing. Moreover, the downregulation of vimentin expression or displacement of VIFs away from the cell periphery promotes blebbing even in cells resistant to bleb-inducing treatments. Thus, we reveal a new important function of VIFs in cell physiology that involves the regulation of non-apoptotic blebbing essential for amoeboid cell migration and mitosis.