Место издания:Marin Drinov Academic Publishin House Sofia
Первая страница:163
Последняя страница:175
Аннотация:In this paper, we consider some optimal recovery problems which are
representatives of a vast number of problems in numerical analysis. We
focus on the so called cleaning phenomenon, where only a part of the
given information is used for the construction of an optimal recovery
method in the uniform norm.
There are a lot of results concerning the optimal recovery of linear
functionals (see, for example, [1]–[5] and the references therein). However, the problems of optimal recovery of linear operators are not studied
that extensively (see [6]–[8]). Here, we present some results about op-
timal recovery of solutions to differential equations and illustrate our
approach in the case of solutions to the heat equation u_t = u_{xx}.