Electrode properties of halogenide –chalcogenide glasses and amorphous thin films fabricated by chemical depositionстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 20 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:Multicomponent thin chalcogenide halide films CuI-PbI2-As2Se3, CuI-AgI-As2Se3 and PbI2-AgI-As2Se3 and PbI2-AgI-As2Se3 were synthesized by chemical precipitation from solutions of halide-chalcogenide glass in n-butylamine and the electrode properties of glass and films were studied. It has been established that the electrode properties of halide-chalcogenide glasses and films of similar composition are practically the same. The similarity of the electrode parameters of halide-chalcogenide glass and films can be explained by the preservation of the structure of the glass polymer during dissolution in n-butylamine and deposition of the film from the solution.