Homogenized acoustic equations for a layered medium consisting of a viscoelastic material and a viscous compressible fluidстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 26 января 2024 г.
Аннотация:We consider homogenized acoustic equations for a two-phase layered medium with periodic microstructure. The first phase of the medium is an isotropic viscoelastic material and the second one is a viscous compressible fluid. In addition, we assume that all layers are parallel to one of the coordinate planes. By means of solutions of auxiliary cell problems, we show that coefficients and convolution kernels of the homogenized equations depend on the volume fraction of the fluid phase inside the periodicity cell and do not depend on the number of layers and their geometrical position. http://semr.math.nsc.ru/v20/n2/p711-723.pdf