Partial-wave analysis of the eta pi(+) pi(-) system produced in the reaction pi(-)p ->eta pi(+) pi(-)n at 18 GeV/cстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 29 мая 2015 г.
Аннотация:A partial-wave analysis of 9082 eta pi(+) pi(-) n events produced in the reaction pi(-) p--> eta pi(+) pi(-) n at 18.3 GeV/c has been carried out using data from experiment 852 at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The data are dominated by J(PC) = 0(-+) partial waves consistent with observation of the eta(1295) and the eta(1440). The mass and width of the eta(1295) were determined to be 1282 +/- 5 MeV and 66 +/- 13 MeV, respectively, while the eta(1440) was observed with a mass of 1404 +/- MeV and a width of 80 +/- 21 MeV. Other partial waves of importance include the 1(++) and the 1(+-) waves. Results of the partial wave analysis are combined with results of other experiments to estimate f(1)(1285) branching fractions. These values are considerably different from current values determined without the aid of amplitude analyses.