Stabilogram diffusion analysis and the vestibular system featuresстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 15 февраля 2024 г.
Аннотация:The method of stabilogram diffusion analysis is discussed. It is known that the stabilogramdiffusion functions for the frontal and sagittal directions are different and their logarithmic plot has a characteristic bend (critical point). It is assumed that this bend is associated with a change in the persistence behavior for different time intervals in the presence of feedback in the postural controlsystem. The article considers possible dependence between the features of the stabilogram diffusion function in question and the existence of a dead zone in the signal of the vestibular apparatus. Models of posture stabilization for the frontal and sagittal directions are designed. These models use modified motion equations for an inverted pendulum stabilized by a PID controller based on positional measurements. The control is supplemented with feedback from the model of the otolith organ, which has a dead zone. It is assumed that the signal of the vertical canal of the otoliths and semicircular canals are subthreshold and are not used by the motor control system. The results of diffusion analysis for a set of representations of numerical model of a person's postural control are presented. The parameters of the control system are corrected through comparing the simulation results with subjects examination data. Numerical modeling has shown that the effect of the otolith organ when a healthy person is standing in the “feet shoulder width apart” position in the frontal plane is minimal or absent. Though in the sagittal plane there are values of the otolith signal gain at which the influence of these control components becomes noticeable. The presented modelingenables detection of the main directions for analyzing the relationship between the indicators ofthe stabilogram diffusion analysis and the features of the vestibular signals and other sensorymodalities.