A Rapid Method for the Detection of Metabolite of Sulfur Mustard 1,1’-Sulfonylbis[2-S-(N-Acetylcysteinyl)Ethane] in Biofluids via LC-MS/MSтезисы доклада
Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 октября 2017 г.
Аннотация:Sulfur mustard is a widely known chemical warfare agent. In Russia and former USSR
republics heavy stocks of ammunition containing this agent are stored. Industrial destruction
of these dangerous objects has been taking place recently. Control of environmental
and human safety in regions located near factories is an important analytical task. Another
reason of creating analytical technique for the determination of chemical warfare agents
is a threat of application of sulfur mustard in acts of terror.
After human intoxication by sulfur mustard it metabolizes producing various metabolites.
Some of them are not stable, but one – 1,1’-sulfonyl-bys-[2-S-(N-acetylcysteinyl)etan
is stable enough to be found in plasma for several days. This compound is the most
suitable for being used as a sulphur mustard intoxication marker.
In present work LC-MS/MS technique was used for the determination of 1,1’-sulfonylbys-[
2-S-(N-acetylcysteinyl)etan in plasma samples. The procedure of sample pretreatment
included steps of plasma deproteinization with 10% water solution of trichloracetic
acid, and solid phase extraction to clean the sample. HPLC separation was carried out on
a reversed-phase column (Synergi RP Hydro (150x2.1 mm) using water-acetonitrile as a
mobile phase (pH 5.4). The detection in a negative electrospray ionization mode provided
good analytical signal. Deprotonised molecular ion (m/z = 443, as a parent ion) and its
fragments (m/z = 163.5 and 127) were used for the detection in MRM. Limit of detection
was about 0,1 ng/ml. Validation of technique was carried out using plasma of rats, intoxicated
by sulfur mustard (about ½ LD 50).
1,1’-sulfonyl-bys-[2-S-(N-acetylcysteinyl)etan was found in rat plasma and urea up to
144 hours after intoxication.