Evolution of Proton Shells in 20<Z<28 and 20<N<50 Nuclei and Dispersive Optical Modelстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 6 февраля 2014 г.
Аннотация:Experimental single-particle proton energies in spherical and nearly spherical 20 < Z < 28
medium-mass nuclei and their counterparts evaluated with the aid of data formirror nuclei were analyzed on
the basis of the dispersive optical model. The parameters of the dispersive optical potential were extrapolated
to the region of unstable nuclei, and the values obtained in this way were then used to predict the singleparticle
proton energies in the 20 < N < 50 nuclei under study. The evolution of the particle–hole energy
gap was traced, and features peculiar to single-particle spectra ofmagic and nonmagic nuclei were revealed
by comparing single-particle energies with proton-separation energies.