Аннотация:The article discusses topical problems of creating a unified information environment for foreign studentsof pre-university training programs. The authors of the study analyze the experience of teaching foreignstudents at Pskov State University in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years. The subject of closeattention was the conditions influencing the motivation of learning Russian as a foreign language,adaptation of foreign phones to new realities and the effectiveness of their learning in a digital context.The study also took into account such parameters as current and final learning outcomes, satisfaction offoreign students with the learning process, assessment of the educational process and its results by all itsparticipants. Various methods were used to collect and process the data: the questionnaire method, thedescriptive-analytical method, including observation, comparison and generalization of data. The authorsformulated the problematic issues of the study, in which they identified the most relevant aspects ofdistance learning under the pre-university training program for foreign citizens: features of theorganization of contact work with foreigners, specificity of the formation of communication skills,concentration of time space, self-identification of participants in the educational process and theirsociocultural adaptation. The findings made it possible to develop recommendations for organizing acomfortable digital educational environment that would take into account the forms of collectiveinteraction with all participants in the educational process, different ways of motivating people to learnand work on the formation of socio-cultural competence in the absence of a full-fledged linguisticenvironment