Аннотация:A generalization of the results on the stress drop and the specific seismic energy for the earthquakesin Northern Eurasia has been made. The relationship of these parameters with the seismic moment and themagnitude has been analyzed. Detailed studies for the Northern Tien Shan (Bishkek geodynamic polygon) werecarried out, the values of the dynamic parameters of the sources for 183 earthquakes of various energy classes(K = 8.7–14.8) were obtained: angular frequency, spectral density parameter, scalar seismic moment, sourceradius, stress drop level, seismic energy and specific seismic energy. Two models have been used to computethe source radius and the stress drop – the Brune approach and the improved Madariaga–Kaneko–Shearermodel. For relatively weak events, a power-law dependence (regression) of the stress drop on the scalar seismicmoment M0 has been identified, that complies with the results on the power-law dependence of the specificseismic energy on M0 in a number of other regions of Northern Eurasia. The relationship between the type ofsource movement and the stress drop level has been noted as well.