Аннотация:A new processing of materials on variations of seismicity of the Bishkek geodynamicpolygon (BGP) under effect of electromagnetic (EM) soundings of geological medium has beencarried out. The revision of these materials is topical due to following issue. During the periodof 1983-1989 the disharges of the capacitor battery (so-called cold runs) were used for supplyfor EM soundings in addition to the MHD generator launchs (hot, or fire runs). Moreover,alternative source of EM soundings by bipolar current pulses (namely, the ERGU-600-2 equip)was used in the times of 90s. But previous studies paid low attention to electric injection to EarthCrust besides MHD generator hot runs. Motivated by such state of the art we have analysedtemporal dependence of Benioff strain on the territory of the BGP in the overall period of EMsoundings (from 1983 up to now). The alterations of EM soundings sources and operationalmodes have been taken into account. But our approach has reveal no no noticeable change seismicregime (by the Benioff strain data) during the nineties in close surrounding of the injecting dipole.