Nonequilibrium plasma accompanying the ignition of methane-oxygen mixturesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 7 декабря 2013 г.
Аннотация:Measurements of electron density and electron–neutral collision frequency in
combustion-produced plasmas in methane–oxygen stoichiometric mixtures are presented. The
electron density in the developed flame was found to be at a level of ne ≈ (2–6) × 1012 cm−3, which exceeds the values obtained or predicted in the previous experimental and theoretical works. The collision frequency between electron and neutral components is νen ≈ 10(12) s−1, thus exceeding that in the preflame mixture by more than an order of magnitude. Based on the calculations performed within the framework of a multicomponent kinetic scheme the most important processes of chemi-ionization in methane–oxygen flames are determined. It is shown that the maximum electron density in the developed flame is close to ∼3 × 10(12) cm−3, which is in reasonable agreement with the measured values.