Аннотация:In this paper, the reliability allocation problem (RAP) for real-time
avionics systems (RTAS) is considered. The proposed method for solving
this problem consists of two steps: (i) creation of an RTAS simulation
model at the necessary level of abstraction and (ii) application of meta-
heuristic algorithm to ¦nd an optimal solution (i. e., to choose an optimal
set of fault tolerance techniques). When during the algorithm execution
it is necessary to measure the execution time of some software compo-
nents, the simulation modeling is applied. The procedure of simulation
modeling also consists of the following steps: automatic construction of
simulation model of the RTAS con¦guration and running this model in a
simulation environment to measure the required time. This method was
implemented as an experimental software tool. The tool works in cooper-
ation with DYANA simulation environment. The results of experiments
with the implemented method are presented. Finally, future plans for
development of the presented method and tool are brie§y described.