Cage-like Copper(II) Silsesquioxanes: Transmetalation Reactions, Structural, Quantum Chemical and Catalytic Studiesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 24 марта 2017 г.
Аннотация:The transmetalation of bimetallic copper–sodium silsesquioxane cages, namely, [(PhSiO1.5)10(CuO)2(NaO0.5)2] (“Cooling Tower”; 1 ), [(PhSiO1.5)12(CuO)4(NaO0.5)4] (“Globule”; 2 ), and [(PhSiO1.5)6(CuO)4(NaO0.5)4(PhSiO1.5)6] (“Sandwich”; 3 ), resulted in the generation of three types of hexanuclear cylinder‐like copper silsesqui‐ oxanes, [(PhSiO1.5)12(CuO)6(C4H9OH)2(C2H5OH)6] (4 ), [(PhSiO1.5)12(CuO)6(C4H8O2)4(PhCN)2(MeOH)4] (5 ), and [(PhSiO1.5)12(CuO)6(NaCl)(C4H8O2)12(H2O)2] (6 ). The products show a prominent “solvating system–structure” dependency, as determined by X‐ray diffraction. Topological analysis of cages 1 –6 was also performed. In addition, DFT theory was used to examine the structures of the Cooling Tower and Cylinder compounds, as well as the spin density distributions. Compounds 1 , 2 , and 5 were applied as catalysts for the direct oxidation of alcohols and amines into the corresponding amides. Compound 6 is an excellent catalyst in the oxidation reactions of benzene and alcohols.