Аннотация:A systematic study of the most significant parameters of the ion-assisted deposited silicondioxide films is carried out using the classical molecular dynamics method. The energy of thedeposited silicon and oxygen atoms corresponds to the thermal evaporation of the target; the energyof the assisting oxygen ions is 100 eV. It is found that an increase in the flow of assisting ions toapproximately 10% of the flow of deposited atoms leads to an increase in density and refractive indexby 0.5 g/cm3 and 0.1, respectively. A further increase in the flux of assisting ions slightly affects thefilm density and density profile. The concentration of point defects, which affect the optical propertiesof the films, and stressed structural rings with two or three silicon atoms noticeably decrease withan increase in the flux of assisting ions. The film growth rate somewhat decreases with an increasein the assisting ions flux. The dependence of the surface roughness on the assisting ions flux isinvestigated. The anisotropy of the deposited films, due to the difference in the directions of motionof the deposited atoms and assisting ions, is estimated using the effective medium approach.