Аннотация:The manifestations of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano explosive eruption on January 15, 2022, in the Pacific region were investigated using the data of the DART deep ocean sea level stations and the IRIS ground-based barographs. It was found that the atmospheric Lamb wave, caused by the explosion of the volcano, was formed at 04:27 UTC ± 4 min and propagated over the Pacific Ocean at a speed of 312 ± 4 m/s. It is shown that the leading distinct pulse recorded by all DART deep ocean sea level stations is a direct manifestation of the atmospheric Lamb wave. Theoretical estimations of the amplitude manifestations of the Lamb wave in the bottom pressure variations have been made. It is shown that the amplitude of bottom pressure variations in the deep ocean is a few times larger than the amplitude of pressure variations in the Lamb wave. Theoretical estimates of the amplitude of surface gravity waves excited in the ocean by traveling atmospheric disturbance passing a depth jump are carried out.