Embryo-larval Development and Some Data on the Reproductive Biology of Cantherhines pardalis (Monacanthidae) from the South China Sea (Central Vietnam)статья
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Аннотация:The biological characteristics and state of the gonads of mature individuals of Cantherhines pardalis have been studied. Mature sex products were obtained using double hormonal injections. In the prespawning state, females had low values of the gonadosomatic index (3.2%). The ultrastructure of egg envelopes is described. A detailed illustrative morphological description of the early development of C. pardalis from the end of blastulation to stages close to the transition to the larval state is presented. Fertilized eggs are sphericaland about 0.51 (0.50–0.53) mm in diameter and have a narrow perivitelline space and a homogeneous, transparent,green-colored yolk. The yolk contains about 20 almost colorless fat droplets with a size of about 0.01 to 0.13 mm. The duration of the incubation period at a temperature of about 25°C is about 33 hours. Prelarvae during hatching are 1.70–1.75 mm long. The appearance of peristalsis and onset of the mobile state of the jaw apparatus and pectoral fins have been recorded at the beginning of the 4th day (76 h) after hatching.