Аннотация:This research is about developing stochastic worldview formation among highschool students (grades 10 and 11) based on integrating scientific approaches,namely, information and technology, interdisciplinary, system, and activityapproaches. Developing the structural components of a stochastic worldview, suchas motivation–value relations, intuitive–figurative perception, and rational–logicacceptance, determines the most effective way for students in grades 10 and 11 toform a worldview when teaching stochastics. The research site was SchoolGymnasium No. 11 in Yelets, located in the Lipetsk region. Tests, questionnaires,and documentation were used as data collection methods. The methodology of dataanalysis included descriptive statistics. According to Fisher's angulartransformation criterion (φ), the validation of the experimental data confirmed theresearch efficiency. This study showed that the proposed tool improves students'motivation, value, and worldview constructs, guiding them to understand thestochastic component of the world around them.The results complement the methodological and methodical features of matheducation, which aims to develop helpful worldview qualities of students. Theseresults can be beneficial for methodical science since, with their help, it specifiesthe known approaches, ideas, methodological means in mathematics education, andupbringing of high school students.