The Stresses in the Aftershock Area of the March 11, 2011 Tohoku EarthquakeстатьяИсследовательская статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 16 марта 2022 г.
Аннотация:This study presents a detailed reconstruction of the state of stress in the crust of the Japan Benioff zone that followed the Tohoku earthquake of March 11, 2011. The stress parameters were found using the method of cataclastic analysis applied to discontinuous displacements based on the identification of a homogeneous selection of earthquake mechanisms around a point of interest. The criteria used to make the selection rely on principles of plasticity theory as extended to cover the case of strain evolving in a cracked medium. The reconstruction used data on earthquake mechanisms from the NIED f-net catalog for the period of observation until June 1, 2018. An analysis of the patterns in the spatial stress distribution derived for six depth levels in the crust showed substantial changes in the state of stress observed in the aftershock area of theTohoku earthquake in the upper lithospheric layers of the continental slope (0–30 km). The horizontal tensile stresses that appeared immediately after the earthquake are best observed in the uppermost crustal layer (0–10 km). As we go deeper into the earth, this state of stress becomes increasingly less representative. Estimates of the stress magnitudes based on a model of horizontal tension with pure shear showed that the change in the type of geodynamic regime in the upper crustal layer was accompanied by a large change in the level of tangential stresses that are directed along the axis of the Benioff zone (the drop was about 90%) and a decrease in the level of maximum tangential stresses by nearly 65% relative to its mean value. These results can be explained by a larger contribution into the change of the state of stress due to a quasi-homogeneous horizontaltension compared with that due to pure shear caused by the drop of tangential stresses in the Tohoku rupture volume