Аннотация:журнал: Acta Scientific Microbiology,2022, Vol. 5, № 2, p. 21-26; AbstractThe indiscriminate use of synthetic laundry detergents (SLDs) triggered notorious prevalence of toxic pollution in waterenvironment. SLDs synthesized from surfactants and other chemical compounds pose ecotoxic risk to living organisms once invadingthe ecosystem. The widespread presence of terrestrial vegetations in ecosystem may be subject to exposure to SLDs. It is importantto test phytotoxic effect of SLDs on terrestrial plant species and form a system of phytotoxic risk assessment. The phytotoxicity of“Tide” detergent powder (TDP) was tested using Lens culinaris seeds as a bioassay. The bioassay showed that the seed germinationpercentage (ca. 0% - 90%) reduced sharply due to an increase in TDP concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1.0%) within 72-h and96-h, respectively. Meanwhile, the increasing concentrations inhibited root elongation (ca. 0 - 8 mm) after 72-h long exposure toTDP, and also impeded root elongation (ca. 0 - 17 mm) after 96-h. The phytotoxicity was assessed depended on two indices: seedgermination and root elongation indices. The present study validated an effective and economical bioassay, in which the phytotoxicityranks (slight, moderate, high and extreme) were graded.Keywords: Phytotoxicity; Lens culinaris; “Tide” Detergent Powder; Seed Germination; Root Elongation;The Full text is available online free: https://www.academia.edu/71756542/