Re-deposition of ITER-grade Be on plasma gun facility QSPA-Be: Characterization & plasma cleaningстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 26 января 2022 г.
Аннотация:Studies of contaminants obtained by spraying ITER-grade Be on a quasi-stationary plasma gun facility QSPA-Be
are presented. Contaminating films, consisting mainly of Be and O in approximately equal proportions, were
deposited on substrates of quartz, sapphire, single crystalline silicon (SC-Si) and NaCl crystal. Characterization of
the deposits was performed using SEM, XPS, EBS, AFM, SE, TEM&SAED and micro-interferometry showing
polycrystalline BeO films similar as found in JET-ILW. Films on SC-Si and NaCl were used to characterize their
composition and morphology. The cleaning rates in the 81.36 MHz RF discharges in He or D2 at 2 Pa were
measured on the SC-Si target. The measured etching rate of the deposited films was several times higher than the
rate calculated from the theoretical value of beryllium oxide sputtering yield. Test cleaning of these contaminants
was carried out in a capacitively coupled RF discharge (CCRF) from the surface of sapphire and quartz plates,
which were considered as a mock-ups of the protective window of the first mirror unit (FMU) designed for ITER
divertor Thomson scattering diagnostic system (DTS).