A Novel Biodegradable Composite Polymer Material Based on PLGA and Silver Oxide Nanoparticles with Unique Physicochemical Properties and Biocompatibility with Mammalian CellsстатьяИсследовательская статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 22 декабря 2021 г.
Аннотация:A method for obtaining a stable colloidal solution of silver oxide nanoparticles has been developed using laser ablation. The method allows one to obtain nanoparticles with a monomodal size distribution and a concentration of more than 108 nanoparticles per mL. On the basis of the obtained nanoparticles and the PLGA polymer, a nanocomposite material was manufactured. The manufacturing technology allows one to obtain a nanocomposite material without significant defects. Nanoparticles are not evenly distributed in the material and form domains in the composite. Reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical) are intensively generated on the surfaces of the nanocomposite. Additionally, on the surface of the composite material, an intensive formation of protein long-lived active forms is observed. The ELISA method was used to demonstrate the generation of 8-oxoguanine in DNA on the developed nanocomposite material. It was found that the multiplication of microorganisms on the developed nanocomposite material is significantly decreased. At the same time, the nanocomposite does not inhibit proliferation of mammalian cells. The developed nanocomposite material can be used as an affordable and non-toxic nanomaterial to create bacteriostatic coatings that are safe for humans.