Аннотация:The article presents a modern Geomorphological Map of the Kara Seafloor on a scale of 1 : 2000000 and its description. This map was compiled based on the Bathymetric Map of the Kara Sea of the same scale, created from large-scale (1 : 200000 and 1 : 500000) nautical charts. Based on these maps and data from silicate analysis of upper sediment layer samples, a Diagram of the Relative Sorption Capacity Bottom Sediments of the Western Part of the Kara Sea was compiled, which illustrates the position of regions most prone to sorption of pollutants. An integrated approach to studying the migration and accumulation ofpollutants in marine ecosystems is proposed, combining the main factors affecting their accumulation in bottom sediments: geomorphological characteristics of the bottom, sorption parameters of sediments, and therole of geochemical barrier zones.