Diagnostics of Volcanic Soils: A Review of Classification SchemesстатьяПереводИсследовательская статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 11 апреля 2022 г.
Аннотация:In this paper, we analyze diagnostics of volcanic ash soils in soil classification systems applied inthe United States, Russia, New Zealand, and in the international WRB system. In the Russian soil classification system, classification of soils, the diagnostic criterion for full-profile volcanic soils is the presence of a specific BAN horizon with a bulk density of less than 1 g/cm3, intra-aggregate thixotropy, fine granular (caviarlike) structure, and the high contents of humus and oxalate-soluble Al (10–15%), Fe (2–6%), and Si (4–7%). According to the WRB and Soil Taxonomy systems, volcanic soils (Andosols and Andisols, respectively) are diagnosed by the presence of a high content of allophane or organomineral complexes with Al and Fe (shortrange-order materials), as well as a low bulk density (<0.9 g/cm3) and a high phosphate retention. In the New Zealand soil classification, volcanic soils (at the highest hierarchical level—Allophane and Pumice soils) are the soils forming on igneous rocks and having a low bulk density, a high content of volcanic sand and gravels, and a high phosphate retention. In the field, reliable diagnostics of volcanic ash soils can be achieved on the basis of the Russian and New Zealand soil classification systems. The WRB system and Soil Taxonomy require additional laboratory diagnostics. Direct correlation of the names of volcanic soils is possible only at the highest hierarchical level from the New Zealand and Russian schemes into the WRB and Soil Taxonomy systems, and between the WRB and Soil Taxonomy systems. Although, it is necessary to have morphological descriptions of soil profiles and analytical results due to the differences in the threshold values used in the considered classification systems.