Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Laser Induced Heating of Silicon Dioxide Thin Filmsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 12 января 2022 г.
Аннотация:: The full-atomistic classical molecular dynamics simulation of the laser heating of silicondioxide thin films is performed. Both dense isotropic films and porous anisotropic films are investigated. It is assumed that heating occurs due to nodal structural defects, which are currentlyconsidered one of the possible causes of laser induced damage. It is revealed that heating to atemperature of 1000 K insignificantly affects the structure of the films and the concentration of pointdefects responsible for the radiation absorption. An increase in the heating temperature to 2000 Kleads to the growth of the concentration of these defects. For “as deposited” films, this growth isgreater in the case of a porous film deposited at a high deposition angle. Annealing of film reducesthe difference in the concentration of laser induced defects in dense and porous films. The possibleinfluence of optical active defects arising due to heating on the laser induced damage thresholdis discussed.