Detection of Low-Energy X-rays Using YSO Scintillation Crystal Arrays for GRB Experimentsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 12 января 2022 г.
Аннотация:We developed an X-ray detector using 36 arrays, each consisting of a 64-pixellated yttriumoxyorthosilicate (YSO) scintillation crystal and a 64-channel multi-anode photomultiplier tube. The Xray detector was designed to detect X-rays with energies lower than 10 keV, primarily with theaim of localizing gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). YSO crystals have no intrinsic background, which isadvantageous for increasing low-energy sensitivity. The fabricated detector was integrated intoUBAT, the payload of the Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory (UFFO)/Lomonosov for GRB observation. The UFFO was successfully operated in space in a low-Earth orbit. In this paper, we present the responses of the X-ray detector of the UBAT engineering model identical to the flight model, using 241-Am and 55-Fe radioactive sources and an Amptek X-ray tube. We found that the X-ray detector can measure energies lower than 5 keV. As such, we expect YSO crystals to be good candidates for the X-ray detector materials for future GRB missions.