Место издания:Изд-во Ин-та географии им. В.Б. Сочавы СО РАН Иркутск
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Аннотация:The article is devoted to forecasting as one of the areas of special scientific research, which makes it possible to assess the prospects for the development of tourist activities, to identify the main factors of development and criteria for making effective management decisions. The paper considers the solution of an applied problem in the field of statistics – forecasting the tourist flow by the method of adaptive modeling. This technique has proven itself well as applied to the modeling of processes with an unstable dynamic. The studied tourist sites were the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia, which are partners in joint work on the development of tourism on Lake Baikal. This region is planned to be developed as a single tourist space. Adaptive forecasts of one of the key indicators of tourism development – the tourist flow, vividly illustrating the magnitude of consumer demand for tourism products – will help evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies being developed in the field of tourism and hospitality.