Estimating population-level of alcohol, tobacco and morphine use in a small Russian region using wastewater-based epidemiologyстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 ноября 2021 г.
Аннотация:Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use combined are the largest modiable health risk factors. Wastewater-basedepidemiology (WBE) is a complementary approach for monitoring substance use in the population. In this study we appliedWBE technique to a community in the Moscow region to estimate population-level consumption of alcohol, tobacco and mor-phine. Methods. Wastewater sampling was carried out over 47 days, in 2018 and 2019, including the New Year period.Analysis of the samples for consumption biomarkers (ethyl sulphate, cotinine and morphine) were undertaken using liquidchromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Daily consumption estimates were then compared with sales/pro-duction/prescription data and between different days of the week using Mann–Whitney U test. Results. Alcohol consumptionwas signicantly higher on Sundays and during the New Year and Russian Christmas period compared to weekdays andSaturdays. Tobacco consumption estimates were largely consistent throughout the week. Morphine was detected by WBE dur-ing the monitoring period but was inconsistent with prescription record data. Discussion and Conclusions. This studyprovides evidence for the feasibility of conducting WBE in Russia. Estimates of alcohol cons umption derived from WBE werehigher than average alcohol sales data for the country. The estimated consumption of nicotine is generally consistent with theproduction data, with estimates higher than in most other countries. Our results also suggest potential illegal use of opioids(morphine-based) in the population. Given the considerable health and economic costs of substance use in Russia, more exten-sive WBE testing is recommended to inform and evaluate public health policies. [