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Статья опубликована в журнале из списка Web of Science и/или Scopus
Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 августа 2021 г.
Аннотация:The relevance of the research topic is caused by the discrepancy of the modern capabilities of the Big Data technologies with the low rates of its implementation and use in the investigation and prevention of crimes. Today, Big Data technologies are increasing their presence in solving problems in the system of public administration, economy, education, healthcare, ecology, con-struction, culture, trade and other spheres of human activity. The limited use of the methods of analysis of Big Data in the investigation and prevention of crimes does not allow a qualitative analysis of the available information of the crime, establish cause-effect relations, create a social portrait of the criminal, which disadvantageously affects the effectiveness of counter-crime activi-ties.The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the possibilities and direc-tions of using the Big Data technologies in solving typical problems of investi-gation and prevention of crimes. Some aspects of using the capabilities of Big Data technologies in the investigation and prevention of crime are given taking into account the comparative analysis of Russian and foreign law enforcement experience.The main directions and conditions for the application of the Big Data technologies in the investigation and prevention of crimes are determined and their perspectives are presented.The use of Big Data technologies in crime investigation and prevention will allow us to solve a wide range of crime pre-vention tasks at a higher level using professional expert systems and computer applications, as well as to improve the quality of crime investigation and reduce its terms.