Аннотация:Cai X., Ostroumov S. A. Finding of toxicity of herbal shampoo to plant seedlings: phytotestof mixture product that contains membranotropic chemicals as components // Ecologica, Vol. 28, No. 101 (2021), 6-10. DOI:https://doi.org/10.18485/ecologica.2021.28.101.2; FULL TEXT ONLINE FREE: https://www.academia.edu/46648108/ ; ABSTRACT: Results of research of effects of a chemical product which contains synthetic surfactants on plantseedlings are presented. The chemical product studied was a shampoo made in China, namely, Ginger Polygonum Multiflorum Nutrient Shampoo. This is a herbal shampoo that contains lauryl polyetherammonium sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, and components of medicinal plants. Effects of this mixture chemical product on Vigna radiata were studied. It was shown that at some concentrations, water solutions of this chemical product produced toxic effects on the plant seedlings. At a concentration of 0.5% and afterthe 48-96 h exposure, the shampoo produced toxic effects and caused a more than 50% inhibition of the root elongation. The new results are in full accord with the previous experiments conducted by the research group of S.A. Ostroumov at Lomonosov Moscow State University. KEYWORDS: plant science, phytotest, phytotoxicity, plant seedlings, aquatic toxicology, surfactants, bioassay,environmental hazards, ecotoxicology, Vigna radiata.***The ABSTRACT in Serbian language: Sažetak: Prikazani su rezultati istraživanja uticaja hemijskog proizvoda koji sadrži sintetičke tenzide nasadnice biljaka. Hemijski proizvod koji je proučavan bio je šampon proizveden u Kini, odnosno GingerPolygonum Multiflorum Nutrient šampon. Ovo je biljni šampon koji sadrži lauril polieter amonijum sulfat,amonijum lauril sulfat i komponente lekovitih biljaka. Proučavani su učinci ovog hemijskog proizvoda naVigna radiata. Pokazano je da su u nekim koncentracijama vodeni rastvori ovog hemijskog proizvoda imalitoksične učinke na sadnice biljaka. U koncentraciji od 0,5% i nakon izloženosti od 48-96 sati, šampon jeimao toksične učinke i uzrokovao više od 50% inhibicije produženja korena. Novi rezultati u potpunosti su uskladu s prethodnim eksperimentima koje je obavila istraživačka grupa S.A. Ostroumova na Moskovskomdržavnom univerzitetu Lomonosov.Ključne riječi: botanika, fitotest, fitotoksičnost, sadnice biljaka, vodena toksikologija, tenzidi, biološki test,opasnosti za životnu sredinu, ekotoksikologija, Vigna radiata.***REFERENCES[1] Bagur-González, M.G., Estepa-Molina, C.,Martín-Peinado, F., Morales-Ruano, S. (2011).Toxicity assessment using Lactuca sativa L. bioassay of the metal(loid)s As, Cu, Mn, Pband Zn in soluble-in-water saturated soil extracts from an abandoned mining site. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11, 281-289. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-010-0285-4.[2] Cai, X., Ostroumov, S.A. 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