Cyclosporine A suppression of uncoupling in liver-mitochondria of ground-squirrel during arousal from hibernationстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 18 июля 2013 г.
Аннотация:Energy coupling parameters were studied in liver mitochondria of ground squirrel during arousal from hibernation. It was found that such mitochondria become uncoupled during incubation with phosphate in a salt medium. The uncoupling was revealed by respiration rate increase and membrane potential decrease in the presence of oligomycin. Both effects were reversed by addition of cyclosporin A. Under the same in vitro conditions, mitochondria from aroused (active) animals showed no uncoupling but could be uncoupled by addition of palmitate in the cyclosporin A-sensitive fashion. It is proposed that formation of cyclosporin A-sensitive pores can be involved in urgent heat production in arousing hibernators.