Geoecological research of water bodies of the Central Federal District of different recreational availabilityстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 7 июля 2021 г.
Аннотация:The results of geoecological research on water bodies of the Central Federal District of Russia are presented. Recreational availability of water bodies determines the level of access to water bodies and the coastal zone and their use for recreational activities by several geoecological characteristics and indicators. The studies included water sampling for chemical, microbiological analysis, and water quality assessment of water bodies and watercourses in the Central Federal District. Databases of morphometric and hydrological characteristics of water bodies have been compiled, access to the coastal zone and water area of reservoirs has been assessed. The recreational potential of water bodies is calculated based on the load on the generally accessible coastal zone, it is specified by natural and cartographic data. It was found that most water bodies have a ban on recreational water use. This is due to poor water quality in chemical and microbiological terms. Most water bodies are insufficiently surveyed and do not have equipped areas for recreational use.