Electric field assisted alignment of monoatomic carbon chainsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 13 января 2021 г.
Аннотация:We stabilize monoatomic carbon chains in water by attaching them to gold nanoparticles (NPs) by means of the laser ablation process. Resulting nanoobjects represent pairs of NPs connected by multiple straight carbon chains of several nanometer lengths. If NPs at the opposite ends of a chain difer in size, the structure acquires a dipole moment due to the diference in work functions of the two NPs. We take advantage of the dipole polarisation of carbon chains for ordering them by the external electric feld. We deposit them on a glass substrate by the sputtering method in the presence of static electric felds of magnitudes up to 10*5V/m. The formation of one-dimensional carbyne quasi-crystals deposited on a substrate is evidenced by high-resolution TEM and X-ray difraction measurements. The original kinetic model describing the dynamics of ballistically fowing nano-dipoles reproduces the experimental diagram of orientation of the deposited chains.