Magnetic nanoparticles in“amorphous ferromagnetic metal-insulator” nanogranular thin filmsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 19 декабря 2016 г.
Аннотация:A lot of factors limit possible applications of magnetic nanoparticles in medicine for drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia therefore it is of primary importance to understand influence of classical and quantum-size effects, surface layers,interparticle distance, shape of nanoparticles on their magnetic properties. Magnetic nanogranular thin films, known also asnanocomposites, can be considered as a convenient model for such investigations as it is possible to tune easily many of mentioned above parameters by varying of the fabrication conditions. The ion-beam sputtering technique has been developed to prepare “amorphous ferromagnetic metal-insulator” nanocomposites with different concentration and parameters simultaneously in one technological cycle. This feature is achieved by using of a composite target (consisting of a metal and dielectric parts) with an asymmetric arrangement of the dielectric parts on the metal base. Influence of sputtering conditions and post-fabrication
treatment on structural, magnetic, electrical and magnetotransport properties of magnetic nanocomposites in a wide range of metal volume fraction and distance between magnetic nanoparticles is being discussed